Free Pulpit Free Pew

The concepts of Free Pulpit and Free Pew in the Unitarian Universalist Association and its member congregations are necessary for having a covenant relationship.


Free Pulpit:

To preserve the covenant and ensure the free search for truth, the pulpit must be free. When the religious community lends the pulpit, it does so with the knowledge that the speaker is free to present from personal knowledge and experience though differing from what others in attendance may believe. In reciprocation, the speaker will respect the trust of the congregation by speaking responsibly from genuine conviction.

Free Pew:

In Unitarian Universalism the church does not regulate thoughts or beliefs. Individuals are free to pursue their own truth and theology. Within our religious community, the concept of Free Pew protects against religious oppression by preserving both individual and collective rights to speak, communicate and obtain knowledge in the pursuit of truth. To that end, Free Pew additionally calls all to act affirmatively to protect the rights of others to think and believe freely, especially those with whom we disagree.This creates a bond within the community that transcends differences created by creeds, doctrines or beliefs and preserves the covenant.


Both Free Pulpit and Free Pew respect the covenantal relationship by affirming and supporting the worth of all. Respect includes the elements of compassion, empathy and conviction