Covenant Groups

Covenant Groups are formed when sufficient interest is seen in a given topic or subject matter.

Deep listening is a feature of Covenant Groups.

A Covenant Group is one of the ways we do Small Group Ministry here at UUVC.

A Covenant Group typically consists of 6-10 people who meet for a few hours periodically to reflect on and discuss significant life topics.

Whether the topic is “good and evil,” “mindful living,” "parenting," or “letting go,” the conversation is respectful and caring and leads to greater understanding. In each session, all participants have opportunity to share their perspectives, tell their stories, and listen deeply.

The time together often is structured: Groups begin and end with centering readings and often include times for quiet reflection as well as sharing. Participants get to know each other at a deeper level than is possible at coffee hour and church social events. To find out more about covenant groups let the liaison know you are interested.