Our art wall is changed quarterly … Artists, contact Chair to display your art!

Our building is full of original artwork, most of it created by members of the congregation. Some works are gifts to the church, others on loan. 

Of special note are two pieces, Jerry Offerman's "UUSC Values" painting, described HERE and the fabric art featured on the home page of this website. Displayed in the sanctuary lobby, it was created by two members of the congregation, Bobbie Bateman and Nola Abraham. The design of the chalice in the center was inspired by a stained glass window in the Jefferson UU Church, Golden, Colorado, and used with permission. The symbols represent the ten world religions with the largest number of adherents. 

The “Art Wall” of our Community Hall changes every quarter. The  paintings, photographs, fiber art, and other two-dimensional pieces displayed are created by  members and friends of the congregation, from beginners to professionals. Newcomers are encouraged to participate. Some of these works are available for purchase directly from the artist.

Contact - Building Art Chair